Prenplants Update – September 2015
Finally the golden hues of the late season sun are upon us, but for the previous two weeks it was grey skies and raindrops that were the dominating features. It didn’t inspire much. Great weather for ducks some would say, but great weather for plants too. Now as the rainwater has found its way into the dry ground and whilst the soil remains warm it is a great time to plant to get herbaceous perennials established before the colder months draw in and the make the most of that Indian summer we are going to get (here’s hoping).
By now borders will be requiring some extra inspiration too as early seasonal blooms begin to fade, late summer colour will need to step up to inject some zing into planting schemes and displays. For garden designers and plant centres we have just the plants Asters, Echinacea’s, Crocosmia’s, Heuchera’s, Sedums, Ornamental grasses, and Persicaria’s to name but a few. We are especially excited at the new varieties this year for example Persicaria Fat Domino and Heuchera Ginger Peach to name a few.
September has started as a busy month for Prenplants. We have finally gotten round to doing some of the bigger jobs around the nursery. We have started to replace some of the paths and had the driveway re-laid. All thanks to Uncle Fred and his great digging skills.
We had our monthly potting day where 12 friends of Prenplants came to help with potting of stock for next spring. It was a successful day and as usual the home made food was a great hit and they all went home with a plant!! Next party 10th October please contact us for details.