New Plants for 2023

Date: 10 January 2023

It’s that time of year again when we get excited for all the new variety’s we are going to grow on the nursery this year.

We have added 3 new Dahlias to our range including the gorgeous Strawberry Cream that does look good enough to eat! Sun Explosion which is striking orange flower with yellow tips. We have also introduced a new Happy Spirit series Dahlia called Romeo. It has dark black foliage with bright single red flowers.

Our Echinacea range has two new variety’s Delicious Nougat which is a lovely white/cream colour petals with a greenish cone. We have also added to our sunseekers range Sweet Fuchsia which has a double deep fuchsia pink flower.

We have two new Geraniums, Geranium Phaeum Joseph Green which is a beautiful double form of Geranium Phaeum. And Geranium Nodosum Svelte Lilac which is a wonderful addition to our shade range with beautiful pale lilac flowers with dark veins.

We have a new Iris called Wondrous which adds to our amazing range of 34 bearded Iris. It has pale pink flowers with an orange throat.

New to our extensive Paeonia range we have The Fawn which is a double mid pink with small speckles of dark pink spots on the petals and Neon which is a vivid fuchsia pink flower with cerise and gold staminodes. We now stock 28 different varieties of Paeonia.

Our Salvia range is ever growing we have introduces 5 new varieties this year. Midnight Candle which is a farinacea type, it has spikes of deep blue flowers with white eyes. This is a half hardy perennial but will look good in you summer display. Harvest Sunset is a shrubby salvia with creamy yellow flowers that have a pink tinge. Salvito Violet has with purple flowers that have a faint white throat. So Cool Purple is a violet purple colour and Senorita Leah is a lovely pink bloom with a creamy yellow tinged lip.

For late summer we have Rudbeckia Fringle Fudge a beautiful addition to the Summerina Rudbeckias it has brown/orange flowers with yellow tips. Also two new Kniphofias, Solar Flare which is part of the pyromania series we already stock. This is a bright sunny yellow flower will add a striking addition to any border. We also have Kniphofia Green Jade which has creamy green flower heads.

Euphorbia Miners Merlot is a lovely purple stemmed euphorbia with bright yellow bracts in the summer. We are also selling euphorbia palustris which is new to us this year commonly know as marsh spurge with bright yellow bracts over green foliage with turns orange-red during autumn.

We have many more exciting plants added this year so look out for them on our availability list throughout the season.

Rudbeckia Summerina Fringle Fudge
Paeonia Neon
Salvia Salvito Violet

Euphorbia Miners Merlot
Geranium Joseph Green
Echinacea Delicious Nougat
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